Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cyber Terrorisim will be Dead


With reference to cyber terrorism, American officials can have pretty strong reactions. For example on one occasion Kevin Poulsen was being compared to Osama bin Laden and Pablo Escobar. But when it comes to cyber terror paranoia, the U.S. has nothing on Pakistan. Though recently the President of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari signed a law (that was put forward an year ago) making cyber terror a crime, the punishment for which is death. The punishment will go through if the cyber crime causes death of any person, as the law states. An extract from the law:

"…any person, group or organization who, with terroristic intent utilizes, accesses or causes to be accessed a computer or computer network or electronic system or electronic device or by any available means, and thereby knowingly engages in or attempts to engage in a terroristic act."

[via startupmeme]

1 comment:

SDC said...

It will! It will be dead!