Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Go Animate

Everyone in this world likes animated characters specially when it comes to portray one’s individuality. There are lots of websites serving the way discussed above. These sites give you a chance to generate animated cartoon characters of your desire along with custom design. According to me the sites I am talking about is may look like implemented for kiddies. GoAnimate provides you the same feature discussed above but in a way like no other. Start your day by using templates provided by GoAnimate. You can add animated series of scenes like a video clip

There lie a variety of characters that can be in line for your animation clip and they’re easy to customize. You can upload any photo over a character to add a little humor to it (like Elf-Yourself). To make things easy, you can search Flickr or your Facebook account for images. You can also add other media, such as sounds, music and your voice, to make your animation look more professional.

Animations are shareable across a variety of social networking and social bookmarking sites, as well as embeddable, so it’s easy enough to create viral content from your GoAnimate account, though I’m somewhat surprised to see YouTube missing from the distribution “share” list. What I find particularly interesting about GoAnimate’s site and business model is the fact that the team behind GoAnimate has also forged some deals with licensed animated content so that it can be used by animation creators on the site, and shared across the Web. This introduces some marketing potential on the part of many animators, both well-known and independent, not to mention other brands that would like to partake in user-generated animations as well.
Bringing such creation tools to the average Web user is part of a larger trend we’re seeing across a number of Flash-based spaces, including games and multimedia content-sharing from companies like EA Games. As such media becomes further integrated into the social media sites we already frequent, monetization will encourage even more feature development to simplify the creation and sharing process.

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