Tuesday, September 16, 2008


There is a good old saying “It’s not the man who plan to fail but it’s the man who fails to plan”? To be honest planning at times may become very hectic and more sort of a headache. It becomes more sort of a headache. Take it from me who always fails to plan but maybe not any more! Planzone ; now that’s what I call “To be at the right place at the right time”. It’s an online zone for saving and sharing all your work/projects/wikis/data with your colloquies and clients by hosting on the web. The idea behind it is to plan and perform the work in simplest and easiest way possible.

Once considered the revolution for planning Microsoft Project may look like never existed. The difference between Planzone and so called Microsoft project was that you cannot share your projects to your colloquies and friends as it was never molded the way planzone is working i.e. for online collaboration. It was only a one man show rather than a team work.

Just signup for free, submit and share what you like with anybody .You will get following categories with it as follows:

• 25 MB workspace with 2 projects space and 5 users granted.
• If you are not satisfied then you can also signup for Beginner version costing costs 9,90 € with a work space of 1 GB along with 5 projects space and 15 users allowed.
• Medium version allows 2,5 GB with 10 projects space and 50 users allowed just for 19,90 € , mid version has 10 GB free space with 25 projects and up to 200 users allowed for 49,90 € .
• Still not satisfied why don’t try out pro version allowing a space up to 25 GB along with 50 projects space and 500 users costing 99,90 € respectively.

When you signup a wizard appears on the screen. Just click next and select a template enter your required information including start and finish dates. Invite users and assign them their roles and hit finish. You can create as many workspaces as you want but only one of them can be free at a time. Also share your images and videos through it according to the space available.

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1 comment:

rahultheshayar said...

I Like this Planzone, Its very important all have to used it